How many is too many?

I thought I had way too many pairs of boots until I took this photo, and it actually doesn't look like that many, reeeeally. Maybe it's just because they're all neat and lined up, instead of the usual pile, shoved into the corner.
I can't seem to just settle for having one or two of an item, and have therefore managed to end up with 5 denim jackets, 4 leather jackets and 8 pairs of boots.
Maybe I have a problem.
I thought I had way too many pairs of boots until I took this photo, and it actually doesn't look like that many, reeeeally. Maybe it's just because they're all neat and lined up, instead of the usual pile, shoved into the corner.
I can't seem to just settle for having one or two of an item, and have therefore managed to end up with 5 denim jackets, 4 leather jackets and 8 pairs of boots.
Maybe I have a problem.