Weekly update. This week sucked. We didn't do much. But lets focus on the good...
I got an amazing package from home filled with treats, presents, zines, books, artistic softcore porn and, best of all, long letters which I've read about ten times. Oh, and a copy of the Metro Herald. It's important to keep up with Irish current events with some high quality journalism.
To distract ourselves from the boredom of unemloyment, Derry and I have been seriously taking advantage the free coffee refills in Mr. Donut. Coffee and a donut for €3 + free refills + a place to hang out = hours of entertainment. In our time there we've managed to come up with a 5 year plan, which is exciting. I've never had goals before, but now I feel like I have something to work towards ie. a career and my dream house. I'm such a grown up.
I had a lesson with my private student which went well and he's paid me in advance for the next month, which is my first bit of income since arriving in Japan. Chaching.
Derry is out partying with NDT for their last night in Japan. I have my first day of work in the preschool tomorrow, so I'm home alone and I have to go to bed now. Here's hoping I wake up on time.