So anyway, I went out on wednesday to the Bernard Shaw and then to Antics.
My night began like this, all dressed up and ready to go, with my beautiful flowers that darling Wallace bought me:
Unfortunately, I cannot stay poised for long and my night ended rolling around the kitchen floor being force fed a crisp sandwich:
I had to get up at the crack of dawn the next morning and go to the beautician with my mum and sister to get my nails and eyebrows done in preparation for my sisters wedding. This was awful as I was experiencing the first hangover of my life, and my mother kept accusing me of being an alcoholic, and I kept trying to explain to her that obviously I was going to get wrecked on my birthday, which, by the way, both she and my sister had forgotten due to pre-wedding stress. Apparently.
So anyway, on to the wedding. It's finally over. It's all I've heard about every time I spoke to my family for the last 10 months, and in turn I know I have been shiting on about it quite a lot to everybody, which i apologise for. I went down to the hotel on thursday evening for the rehearsal. The hotel was soooo fancy. I was fucking loving it. Here is a picture of my sisters bathroom to give you an idea of how lush it was:
I fucking hated the mass though, it was like really god god god godgodgodgodgod. Like, god has brought you here today to god's house, so that with god's consent you can be wed, and if god blesses you with any children, you must bring them up under god's teachings, god god god god god. Although the priest, during his little sermon bit, went on and on for ages about how god has a plan for everyone. And even though Alison and Steve decided to get married, it was actually god who decided that they would meet and get married. And that everybody's lives are preordained. I thought this was gas because it was completely contradictory of the christian belief that god gave us all free will. I love when priests contradict themselves. I haven't been to church in over three years and I don't think I'll be going back any time soon, until someone else gets married or dies. I told my mum a few days ago that if I ever got married, it wouldn't be in a church. She didn't take it so well. Here's me and my sister being beautiful:
I got proper drunk soon after the ceremony. Old family friends and relatives were buying me drinks left right and centre, and the odd few were throwing money at me, which I did of course use to buy more drinks. By dinner I was completely trashed, so much so that I couldn't actually remember what they served for dinner.
My brother doesn't have a girlfriend, or any female friends for that matter, so he brought his best mate Brian as his date. Of course this started off the rumours, which I heavily reinforced. It got to the stage where Brian started telling everyone he was our first cousin, but I told him that being thought of as a gay couple wasn't as bad as being thought of as an incestuous gay couple.
Speaking of my brother, here's a shot of his head that I previously blogged about:
My dads speech was the funniest thing I ever heard. He is such a legend. He spent way too much of it talking about his dog, however. I hate that dog. I love my dad however. He is just so funny. I felt bad for everyone who had to follow him up. They should have let him go last.
Onto tonight. Tonight Ceremony, Never Healed, Ended and Real Talk! played in the Boom Boom Room. Ceremony are defo my favourite band, and I've been looking forward to this gig for so long. We picked them up at 7:30 and went straight to the gig. The BBR smelt like absolute ass, and after tonight I never wanna go to gigs there again. The not-so-sound guy is so fucking anal about everything.
But anyway, all the bands were quality. Never Healed were great, I had only heard the tunes on their myspace before the gig, but I really enjoyed their set. They gave me a free record too for picking them up which was sound.
Then came Ceremony. Fuck. They are the only band that make me properly lose my mind. The set was fucking intense, I kept losing my shoes, and someone dragged themselves onstage using my boob, and I almost got my nose broken again, but it was awesome. I already can't wait to see them again.

The guys from the two bands split up between our house and Andy and Kayleigh's house. The junkies went to theirs for a heroin orgy and the edgers came to ours to eat chips and dip and have the chats. They were all super sound, and I am sad they only got to spend 12 hours in the country.
Chris got me a fisheye camera for my birthday which he gave me tonight. I've wanted one for so long! AND IT'S PINK. I'm so excited about it. Chris fuckin rules! I'm going on a road trip tomorrow with Laura and Kayleigh and our welshie girls Lottie and Ellie who are over visiting right now, so I'm gonna take loooooads of photos but then prob not get them developed, as is the usual for me.
Anyway, all in all, this was probably the best week ever. I had such a good buzz all round. I don't see how it could ever be topped, unless maybe I get married on my birthday and Ceremony play the wedding. That would be fucking sweet. Somebody sort that out.
Currently listening to: Derry shiting on about how he must be really annoying to share a bed with. Don't know what he's on about.
Later yall.
1 comment:
Jaysus I talk shite.
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